
Prevention Measures against Violent Extremism and Radicalisation in the MENA and Balkans

21 May 2024

The findings of this report on prevention measures are based on the case study reports on the prevention factors at the local level in the eight countries under study (Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Jordan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Bulgaria, and North Macedonia). While the CONNEKT research thus far has been focused on discovering the contexts and drivers of radicalisation and violent extremism (VE), the aim with this stage of the research was to uncover the factors within a community that foster resilience, resistance, and protection from these two phenomena.

As part of the exploration of prevention measures, we have also worked on concrete Prevention Guidelines (Pollozhani and Bieber, forthcoming) that give a list of concrete activities and interventions for preventing violent extremism (PVE) and radicalisation, especially for local authorities, and this report gives a glimpse of the communities and how they react and calibrate the vulnerabilities to radicalisation and VE. By understanding the dynamics within communities in resisting and protecting against radicalisation and VE, policy-makers can develop institutional approaches that build on the strengths and needs of the community in order to create truly effective solutions.

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