The purpose of CONNEKT is to understand why some people radicalise and others do not. In the context of CONNEKT, it is acknowledged that embracing a radical ideology does not necessarily imply any kind of violence. Resulting from that understanding, this report examines the macro-level drivers of violent extremism in Jordan and aims to identify historical trends and evolution of dynamics regarding the seven pre-identified drivers of violent extremism (at a state level. The report complements the broad mapping of the field as it exists in Jordan presented in the CONNEKT’s Country Report on National Approaches to VE in Jordan (Mahdeen, Bint Faisal and Štikovac Clark, 2020).
The theoretical framework that was used for this research project is new institutionalism. New institutionalism identifies the rules, norms, practices and relationships that influence patterns of behaviour in politics and policy-making (Cairney, 2012). Unlike a more traditional view of institutions where the central role is attributed to the state, in new institutionalism this role depends on society (Peters, 2011). It can be used at the macro level for determining relevant political and social dynamics. Therefore, it is a particularly useful framework for this research project, which aims to produce an “x-ray” of relational frameworks, their historical roots and, consequently, the foreseeable scenarios.
As for the methodology, the findings of this report were informed through consultations with 25 key stakeholders. The selected respondents broadly represent institutions of state. Their insights and opinions were solicited through Focus Group Discussions and individual Key Informant Interviews conducted in May/June 2021.
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