Country Report

Bulgaria: Country Report on National Approaches to Extremism

21 December 2020

This report focuses on Bulgaria’s national structural and contextual approaches and strategies towards radicalisation and violent extremism.

The document assesses the weight of socio-political drivers in current approaches to radicalisation and violent extremism in the country, particularly towards young people. And it also explores how a socially-rooted approach might fit into the current dominant paradigm of P/CVE.

The report sets out valuable data, figures and information regarding violent extremism in their specific contexts, and provide a brief overview of the main policies, strategies and initiatives regarding Prevention/Countering Violent Extremism in the country. Moreover, it also identifies the most relevant stakeholders in the field, both as source and target of such past and current visions and actions.

(This report forms part of the publication – available on this website – Country Reports on National Approaches to Extremism. Framing Violent Extremism in the MENA region and the Balkans)

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