The DARE H2020 Research Policy Final Event
The DARE H2020 Research Policy Final Event

The DARE H2020 final event will be an opportunity for policymakers, practitioners and academics to engage with the research findings from the project and for dialogue between researchers and a wide range of stakeholders on how these findings might help inform new research and policy directions.

Themes for discussion include: the role of (in)equalities and online spaces in driving radicalisation; trajectories of radicalisation and non-radicalisation; and preventing and countering radicalisation.

One of the Horizon 2020 related projects to CONNEKT, the DARE H2020 project aims to broaden and deepen our understanding of radicalisation by taking a critical and societally focused approach. 

Funded under the EU Horizon 2020 Framework Programme, DARE has been investigating young people’s encounters with and agents of radicalisation, how they receive and respond to those calls, and how they make choices about the paths they take.

This final event will be held online from 21 to 23 September 2021 (13-15h CET).

Registration links will be soon published.




21 September 2021

Organised by

University of Manchester

Registration form:

Waiting for registration links