On the 14th and 15th of September, CONNEKT held its PVE Toolkit Methodology Lab seminar in Amman (Jordan). Generations for Peace, partner of the project, hosted researchers focusing on bridging theory with practical information. The objective was to highlight the relevance of PVE toolkits and discuss and refine toolboxes of preventive interventions.
The first day started with a welcome to all the participants and some words by Generations for Peace president, Mohanned Arabiat, and CONNEKT Scientific Advisor, Lourdes Vidal; followed by a deliberation about how to apply local knowledge into the toolkits. Then, participants engaged in a discussion on the factors that enable or enhance PVE initiatives. To wrap up the first meetings, the participants had to find agreements on guiding principles to develop the preventive toolkits.
On the second day, the researchers elaborated a list of preventive tools, initiatives, and activities that they can use and adapt to their respective toolkits and then they received feedback from experts on key considerations when developing preventive tools for CSOs.
The event in Amman was central to the upcoming elaboration of eight CONNEKT toolkits, one per each MENA and Balkan country studied by the project.