Advisory board
Dr. Wiebke Weber
Wiebke Weber is Head of the Advanced Survey Quality Methods (ASQME) research group, and Head of the Core Scientific Team of the European Social Survey (ESS) at the Research and Expertise Center for Survey Methodology (RECSM) from Pompeu Fabra University. She holds a Phd in survey methodology applied to Political Sciences from the same university.
Her academic interests make her an expert in measurement quality and cross-country measurement equivalence. She counts with an extensive experience in European projects; currently leading the COORDINATE project at RECSM which aims to prepare Europe’s first comparative birth cohort survey. Her bibliography comprises a catalog of more than twenty articles published in indexed journals; and she has also served as publication officer of the online journal Survey Research Methods.
Former Secretary General of the European Survey Research Association, she also works as a consultant on questionnaire design and survey data analyses with correction for measurement error.
List of references:
- van Ewijk, A. R., & Weber, W. (2021). The value of knowing what you want: Goal hierarchy and entrepreneurial intentions. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 15. DOI:
- Revilla, M., Poses, C., Serra, O., Asensio, M., Schwarz, H., & Weber, W. (2020). Applying the Estimation Using Pooled Data Approach to the Multitrait-Multimethod Experiments of the European Social Survey (Rounds 1 to 7). Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 28(3), 463–474. DOI:
- Fernández-Cavia, J., Vinyals-Mirabent, S., Fernández-Planells, A., Weber, W., & Pedraza-Jiménez, R. (2020). Tourist information sources at different stages of the travel experience. El Profesional de la Información, 29(2). DOI:
- Revilla, M., Bosch, O. J., & Weber, W. (2018). Unbalanced 3-Group Split-Ballot Multitrait–Multimethod Design? Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 26(3), 437–447. DOI:
- Bosch, O. J., Revilla, M., DeCastellarnau, A., & Weber, W. (2018b). Measurement Reliability, Validity, and Quality of Slider Versus Radio Button Scales in an Online Probability-Based Panel in Norway. Social Science Computer Review, 37(1), 119–132. DOI: – Weber, W. (2014). Are Hofstede’s cultural dimensions valid? A test for measurement invariance of Uncertainty Avoidance. Online Zeitschriftfür interkulturelle Studien. Published. Available at:
- Weber, W., & Saris, W. E. (2014). The relationship between issues and an individual’s left–right orientation. Acta Politica, 50(2), 193–213. DOI:
- Weber, W., Oberski, D. L., & Revilla, M. (2012). The effect of individual characteristics on reports of socially desirable attitudes toward immigration. En Salzborn, S., Davidov, E., & Reinecke, J. (Eds.). (2012). Methods, Theories, and Empirical Applications in the Social Sciences, Vs Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, pp. 151-157. DOI:
- Weber W. Testing for measurement equivalence of individuals’ left-right orientation. Survey Research Methods. 2011; 5(1):1-10.
Dr. Koen Leurs
Dr. Leurs is assistant professor in Gender, Media and Migration Studies at the Graduate Gender Program, Department of Media and Culture, at Utrecht University, in the Netherlands. Leurs is a digital migration studies scholar, and he was recently the principal investigator of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research-funded study “Young Connected Migrants. Comparing Digital Practices of Young Asylum Seekers and Expatriated in the Netherlands” (16’-19’) and the Dutch National Research Agenda funded participatory action research project “Media literacy through Making Media: A Key to Participation for Young Newcomers” (17’-19’).
His first monograph is titled Digital Passages. Migrant Youth 2.0. Diaspora, Gender & Youth Cultural Intersections (Amsterdam University Press, 2015). In 2018, he guest-edited a special issue on “Connected migrants: Encapsulation and cosmopolitanization” for Popular Communication. International Journal of Media and Culture with Sandra Ponzanesi, and a special issue on “Forced migration and digital connectivity in(to) Europe” for Social Media + Society. Most recently, he co-edited the Sage Handbook of Media and Migration. Currently, he is completing his second monograph Digital Migration Studies (Sage, 2022).
List of references:
- Seuferling, P. & Leurs, K. (2021). Histories of humanitarian technophilia: how imaginaries of media technologies have shaped migration infrastructures. Mobilities, 16(5), 670-687. 22).
- Udwan, G., Leurs, K. & Aléncar, A (2020). Digital resilience tactics of Syrian refugees in the Netherlands – social media for social support, health, and identity. Social Media + Society, April, 1-11.
- Leurs, K, Omerovic, E., Bruinenberg, H.H.C. & Sprenger, S. (2018). Critical media literacy through making media – A key to participation for young migrants? Communications, 43 (3), 427-450.
- Smets, Kevin, Leurs, Koen, Georgiou, Myria, Witteborn, Saskia & Gajjala, Radhika (2020). Handbook of Media and Migration. (653 p.). London: SAGE Publications Ltd
- Leurs, K.H.A. & Hirata, Tomohisa (2020). Media, Migration and Nationalism – A Special Collection. Global Perspectives, 1 (1).
- Leurs, K.H.A. (2020). Smartphones: Digital Infrastructures of the Displaced. The Handbook of Displacement (pp. 583-597). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Mevsimler, M., Leurs, K.H.A., Smets, Kevin & Agirreazkuenaga, Irati (2020). The politics and poetics of migrant narratives. European Journal of Cultural Studies
- Patterson, J. & Leurs, K.H.A. (2020). Transnational Digital Intimacy Practices- Paradoxes of Transnational Connectivity and Home-Making among Young Adult Expatriates in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Global Perspectives, 1 (1) (17 p.).
- Leurs, K. (2017). Communication rights from the margins. Politicising young refugees’ smart phone pocket archives. International Communication Gazette, 79(6–7), 674-698. – 12).
- Leurs, K. (2017). Feminist data studies. Using digital methods for ethical, reflexive and situated research. Feminist Review, 115(1), 130-514.
Dr. Angela Veale
Dr. Veale is a Senior Lecturer on developmental, sociocultural & critical community psychology and qualitative research methodologies in the School of Applied Psychology, UCC. She is an accredited Child & Adolescent Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist, registered with the Irish Forum for Child & Adolescent Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (IFCAPP) and Irish Council for Psychotherapy (ICP). Her background and expertise include the psychosocial effects of violence and conflict, post-conflict social reintegration, migration and globalisation and the effects on children, youth, and families. Her research utilises child-centred methods and a participatory action research framework to explore the position of children, adolescents, and their families within complex political and cultural milieu. Drawing on theoretical perspectives from developmental psychology, cultural and critical psychology, she is interested in exploring processes of participation, agency, and collective resiliency.
She was a visiting professional to the Victim and Witnesses Unit, International Criminal Court and was a Fulbright Scholar to the Program on Forced Migration & Health, Columbia University. She was co-director of a participatory action research project on the social reintegration of young mothers formerly associated with armed forces and groups in Sierra Leone, Liberia, and northern Uganda (with Susan McKay, Miranda Worthen & Mike Wessells).
List of references:
- Veale A.; Andres C. (2020) ‘The role of the imagination in transnational relating: The case of Nigerian children and their migrant parent in Ireland’. Culture and Psychology. DOI:
- White A.; Dito B.; Veale A.; Mazzucato V. (2019) ‘Transnational migration, health and well-being: Nigerian parents in Ireland and the Netherlands’. Comparative Migration Studies, 7 (1). DOI:
- Veale, Angela; Worthen, Miranda; McKay, Susan (2017) ‘Transformative spaces in the social reintegration of former child soldier young mothers in Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Northern Uganda’. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 23 (1):58-66. DOI:
- Shanahan, F; Veale, A (2016) ‘How mothers mediate the social integration of their children conceived of forced marriage within the Lord’s Resistance Army’. Child Abuse & Neglect, 51 :72-86. DOI:
- Mazzucato, V, Cebotari, V, Veale, A, White, A, Grassi, M, Vivet, J (2015) ‘International parental migration and the psychological well-being of children in Ghana, Nigeria, and Angola’. Social Science & Medicine, 132 :215-224. DOI:
- Cullinan, V., Veale, A., & Vitale, A. (2015) ‘Irish general practitioners referrals to psychological therapies’. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 33 (2):73-80
- Worthen, Miranda; Onyango, Grace; Wessells, Mike; Veale, Angela; McKay, Susan (2013) ‘Facilitating War-Affected Young Mothers’ Reintegration: Lessons from a Participatory Action Research Study in Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Uganda’. International Journal of Social Science Studies, 1 (1):145-149. DOI:
- Veale A.; Stavrou A. (2007) ‘Former lord’s resistance army child soldier abductees: Explorations of identity in reintegration and reconciliation’. Peace And Conflict, 13 (3):273-292. DOI:
- Veale A. (2006) ‘Child-centred research with ethnic minority populations: Methodological, ethical and practical challenges’. The Irish Journal of Psychology, 27 (1-2):25-36. DOI:
- Fanning B.; Veale A. (2004) ‘Child poverty as public policy: Direct provision and asylum seeker children in the Republic of Ireland’. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 21 (1):241-251. DOI:
Dr. Thomas Renard
Dr. Renard is the current director of the International Center for Counter-Terrorism in The Hague, expert pool of the EU’s Radicalization Awareness Network (RAN), and associate researcher at the UNESCO-PREV Chair at the University of Sherbrooke. Dr. Renard is a specialist in terrorism studies, counter-terrorism and counter-radicalisation in Europe; the return of foreign fighters; radicalisation processes in prison; and terrorist recidivism. His latest research focuses on the role of counter-terrorist policies within liberal democracies in a post 9/11 scenario.
Printed by numerous high-impact journals on international relations and great recognition publishing houses in Social Sciences, Dr. Renard combines his work of producing thorough academic literature with instructing international organisations such as the United Nations, the European Parliament, and international forums on the impact and formulation of public policies on the neutralisation of radicalisation and extreme violence. He also contributes to numerous critical media such as the New York Times, Washington Post, Guardian, BBC, or Le Monde.
List of references:
- RENARD T. (2021) ‘Counter-Terrorism as a Public Policy: Theoretical Insights and Broader Reflections on the State of Counter-Terrorism Research’, Perspectives on Terrorism 15:4, pp. 2-10.
- RENARD T. (2021) ‘The evolution of the policy response to jihadi returnees in Europe (2012-2020)’, in C. Höhn, I. Saavedra, A. Weyembergh (eds), La lutte contre le terrorisme : ses acquis et ses défis / The fight against terrorism: achievements and challenges. Liber Amicorum Gilles de Kerchove, Brussels: Bruylant.
- RENARD T. (2021) ‘Conclusions: The rise and fall of an idea’, in L. Ferreira-Pereira and M. Smith (eds), The European Union’s Strategic Partnerships: Global diplomacy in a contested world, Cham: Palgrave MacMillan (Springer Nature).
- RENARD T. (2020) Contribution au Rapport annuel (2019-2020) du Délégué Général aux Droits de l’Enfant (DGDE), November 2020, pp. 144-5.
- RENARD T. and R. COOLSAET (2020) ‘From bad to worse: The fate of European foreign fighters and families detained in Syria, one year after the Turkish offensive‘, Security Policy Brief 130, Brussels: Egmont Institute, October.
- RENARD T. (2020) ‘Extremist offenders management in Belgium‘, in R. Basra and P. Neumann (eds), Extremist Offender Management in Europe: Country Reports, London: ICSR.
- BARRINHA, A. and T. RENARD (2020). ‘Power and diplomacy in the post-liberal cyberspace’, International Affairs 96:3 (May), pp. 749-66. DOI:
- RENARD T. (2020). ‘Overblown: Exploring the Gap Between the Fear of Terrorist Recidivism and the Evidence‘, CTC Sentinel 13:4 (April), pp. 19-29.
- COOLSAET R. and T. RENARD (2020). ‘Foreign Fighters and the Terrorist Threat in Belgium‘, Commentary, Milan: ISPI, 9 January.
- RENARD T. (2019). ‘Returnees in the Maghreb. A European perspective‘, Security Policy Brief 120, Brussels: Egmont Institute, December.